Not just for the sporty few: Running blades in a new perspective

If you've ever felt that running blades are not for you, chances are you're not alone. We sat down with Brett Rosen from Hanger Clinic to talk about his work, the future of sports prosthetics and how the O&P industry can be more inclusive.

The daily miracles

Brett Rosen from Hanger Clinic practically grew up with prosthetics. Being a second-generation prosthetist, he was introduced to the world of prosthetics and amputees in his teens when he spent time at his father’s chain of clinics. Here Brett got the chance to mess around with plastic molds and witness first hand how people’s lives were changed by prosthetics. The experiences made an impact on him.

“It sounds cliché, but we get to change people’s lives on a daily basis. People come in on wheelchairs and then they’re able to walk out unassisted. It’s very magical and eye opening, and I’m proud to be part of it.”

Shedding a new light on sports prosthetics
An image makeover
Like changing shoes

Asking Brett about the future of the industry, it’s clear to us that accessibility and effortless installation plays a major role. Being social media savvy, he often finds incredible technology out there, but it’s just not accessible enough.

“If the stuff can only be found in a video, it’s not going to make a significant impact on people’s lives.”

However, when it comes to running blades, the fact that you can just install a running blade on the patient’s current foot system without having to redo anything, or change the current alignment, is a significant improvement. To Brett, changing your prosthetic should be like, well, changing your footwear.

“You can pretty much compare it to us able-bodied people. We don’t wear the same pair of sneakers for everything. For the amputee only being able to only use one foot for however long a period of time just doesn’t seem right, so I think giving them access to be able to do more will go a long way.”